Department of Economics

Department of Economics of the College established in 1984. The teaching community of the department has been extending their expertise in the development of the local economy over the years. The department has been rendering its services mainly in teaching, research activities and curricular activities of the student. The Department has got 04 numbers of sanctioned faculty posts with student-teacher ratio of 12.5:1.
Jyotish Engti
Miss Kaberi Hazarika
MA, MPhil, PhD (Pursuing), NETSLET.
12d1d78a-fbca-4192-b93a-6cd1e4770f95 - sayanika bormon (1)
MA, MPhil, 







Course Outcome

Course1- Introductory of Microeconomics

CO1:subject Matter of  Economics

Basic concept of micro-economics


CO2: Supply and Demand analysis

  Basic concept of demand, supply and consumer and producer surplus

CO3Household and consumer Choice

  Able to analysis consumer, producer behavior  and decisions ..

CO4: the firm and perfect market

  Basic concepts of cost, revenue and government policies towards competition.

CO1:input market.

: Basic concept of input market..

Program Outcome:-After the completion of this Course, the student will be able to attain the basic concept In economics and apply economic principle in real life. 


Mathematical Method for Economics


Preliminary concept of mathematics such as set operation, function and relation.

CO2: Function of one real variable.

Concept of Function and  limit and   its various operation and application in economics

CO3:Derivative for function of one variable.

Knowledge of differential calculus and its application in the different fields of economics

CO4:Intergration of function

Knowledge of integral calculus and its application in the different fields of economics.

CO5: Differential Equation

Concept of first order linear differential equation with constant coefficient and its application in the economic field

Program Outcome:-After completion of the course students are able to learn how mathematical tools and technique are used in economics and Study to analysis and interpret economic policies in the light of mathematical tool of analysis. And also understand the basic mathematics that enables the study of economics theory  especially on microeconomics theory, macroeconomics theory, statistics and econometrics set.  .









CO1:Introduction of macroeconomics

Concepts regarding formation of national income.


CO2:Measurement of GDP

  Able to analysis the national income accounting and to measure of National Income


CO3:Demand and supply of money.

Concepts of money and determination of value of money



  Inflation and its impact on economy.



CO5:Theory of determination of Income and employment

Different theory regarding determination of income and employment


Program Output:-After the completion of Course, the student will be able to attain the  preliminary concept of macro-economic associated with the determination and measurement of aggregate macro-economic variables.





Mathematical methods for Economics-II



CO1:Differential equation.

Analysis first order differential equation its operation and application in economics


CO2:Liner Algebra

Concepts of matrix and determinate and   its operation and application in economics


CO3: Derivatives of Function.

How derivative help to analysis production function


CO4:Unconstrained Optimization.

concepts of maximization and minimization and its operation in market analysis


CO5:Unconstrained Optimization

Analysis of constrained optimization and its application in consumer and producer surplus


Able to learn how basic mathematical tools and technique are used in economic theory specially in micro, macro economic theory, statistics and economatrics and Study to analysis and interpret economic policies in the light of mathematical tool.  




Course-5- Essentials of Microeconomics

CO1:Consumer Theory-I

Understand utility maximisation with given budget constraints and minimization of cost.


CO2: Consumer Theory-II

In this chapter concepts are concern changes in the market and how they impact consumption patterns for consumer goods and services.


CO3: Production Theory

Know the technological relationship between input and output, expansion path and returns to scale of a firm/ industry.


CO4: Cost Function

Know the different types of cost in production process. Economics and diseconomies of large scale production.


CO5:Perfect Competition

Nature and behavior of firm under competitive market and maximization of profit in competitive market.


Program outcome:-After completion of the course students are able to learned the behavior of consumer and producer and also behavior of market 




Course-6- Essentials of Macroeconomics

unit:1Consumption function

Analyses Short run and long run consumption functions, different theories related to consumption


unit:2Investment function

Different concept of investment. Marginal efficiency of capital, multiplier effect of investment


unit:3Inflation and unemployment

 Know the relationship between inflation and unemployment, expectations and policy ineffectiveness


unit:4 Macroeconomics of an open economy- I

Mundell- Fleming model in case of open and close economy,purchasing power parity theory


unit:5 Macroeconomics of an open economy- II

Understand equilibrium and disequilibrium of balance of payments, adjustment of balance of payments and factor causing balance of payments disequilibrium.


Program Outcome:-Essentials of Macroeconomics After the completion of this course, it is believed that learners would understand the formal modelling of a macro-economy in terms of analytical tools. They will also understand the various alternative theories of output and employment determination in a closed economy in the short run as well as medium run, and the role of policy in this context. It would also introduce them to various theoretical issues related to an open economy




Statistical Method for Economics

CO1: Descriptive statistics

Help to know the basic concept and terminology that are fundamental to statistical analysis and inference.



Concept to understand the notion of probability, followed by probability distribution and mathematical expectation.



Concept to understand Random and mathematical expectation. And also binomial distribution.



Helps used to collection of  survey data and sampling  technique in economics.




Concept and  mathematical technique of correlation and regression


Program Outcome:- After the completion of this course, learners will be in a position to understand the use of statistical  tools and reasoning in economics and in the field of research..




Advanced Microeconomics


How supply and demand interact and tend toward a balance in an economy of multiple markets working at once and  helps in predicting the consequences of an autonomous economic event



Price and output determination, profit maximizing under  price discrimination.



Price and output determination under oligopoly market.




Importance and application of game theory in economics.




Externalities and solution of externality problem.


Program Outcome.-Develop the ability to explain core economic terms, concepts, and theories. Explain the function of market and prices as allocative mechanisms. Apply the concept of equilibrium to both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Identify key macroeconomic indicators and measures of economics change, growth, and development.




Advanced Microeconomics


Student will able to know the consumption function, in economics, the relationship between consumer spending and the various factors determining it. At the household or family level, these factors may include income, wealth, expectations about the level and riskiness of future income or wealth, interest rates, age, education, and family size.



 Concept of economic model and its benefit to economic growth in higher living and ,balanced-growth equilibrium.



Technology  progress and policies to promote economic growth.



Fiscal and monetary policy for economic growth.



Economist view to changes in economic output, inflation, interest and foreign exchange rates, and the balance of payments. Poverty reduction, social equity, and sustainable growth are only possible with sound monetary and fiscal policies.


Program Outcome:-After completion  of this paper,It is hoped that the learners would be in a position to understand the long run dynamic issues like growth and technical progress. They will also understand the micro-foundations to the various aggregative concepts used in the previous course




Introductory Econometrics

unit:1 Nature and scope of econometrics

Analyses Concept of econometrics, econometrics model and methodology, estimate and estimator, probability distribution, hypothesis testing


unit:2 simple linear regression model

Concepts of linearity and non linearity, CLRM, BLUE, Gauss Markov theorem


unit:3Violations of classical assumption

Problems, consequences, test and detection of heteosecedasticity and autocorrelation



Problems, sources, consequences, detection and remedies of multicollinearity.


unit:5 Specification Analysis

Omission of relevant variable and inclusion of irrelevant vriables


Program Outcome:-Introductory Econometrics basic econometric concepts and techniques along with statistical concepts of hypothesis testing, estimation and diagnostic checking of simple and multiple regression models. They will also understand the consequences of and tests for misspecification of regression models.




Indian Economy-I


Economic problems and trends of economic development of India since independence.



Demographic change and  human development in global prospect.



Poverty and unemployment problems in india and its alleviation  measures  



Comparisons of Indian economy with international economy.


Program Outcome:-It is hoped that the learners after completing this course, would be sensitized to the major trends in economic indicators in India in the post Independence period with particular emphasis on paradigm shifts and turning points and Understand the importance, causes and impact of population growth and its distribution, translate and relate them with economic development







Development Economics

unit:1concept of development

Characteristics of underdeveloped economies, concepts of GNP, PQLI, HDI, GDI, GEM.



unit:2strategies of development

 Analyses Rostow stages of Economic growth, Low level equilibrium trap, Big push theory, Balanced vs. Unbalanced growth


unit:3growth models

Understand Harrod-Domar model; Kaldor‘s Model, Solow Endogenous growth model.


unit:4poverty and inequality

Concept and Measures of poverty- HPI, MPI. Gini Coefficent and Lorenz Curve; Connections between inequality and development.


unit:5Political institutions and functioning of the state

Analyze relationship between democracy and economic development, State ownership and regulation; Government failures and Corruption


Program Outcome:- After completing this course learners able understand different measures of economic development and growth  of a region .




Indian Economy-II


Macroeconomic Policies and Their Impact


Understand Fiscal reform measures in the context of India, Black money and Parallel economy in India, Export Import Policy, Foreign Trade Policy.



Policies and Performance in Agriculture


Growth and productivity of Agriculture, concept of Sustainable agriculture, Green revolution ,land reforms, rural credit, agricultural marketing.



Policies and Performance in Industry


Analyze Industrial growth and productivity in the post reform period, Public Sector reforms, Disinvestment and Privatization, MSME Sector, Foreign Investment in the Industrial sector.



Trends and Performance in Services


Role Growth in and composition of service sector in the Indian Economy, the service sector, Balance of payments position, Trade in services and WTO.



Program Outcome:-




Development Economics-II


Demography and Development


Concept of  birth and death rates, age structure, fertility and mortality, relationship between  Population  growth and economic development, concept of Migration.




Land, Labor and Credit Markets


Analyze the distribution of land ownership, land reform and its effects on productivity, nutrition and labor productivity, microfinance.





Communities and Economic Development



Management of Common Property Resources and Overcoming the community failure





Environment and Sustainable Development


Concept and indicators of sustainable development ,Environmental externalities and state regulation of the environment, Economic activity and climate change




Trade, Globalization and Development


 Analyze international Trade, Role of Foreign Capital and Foreign Aid in Economic Development.


Program Outcome:-






Money and Financial Market




Concept, functions, measurement of money, theories of money supply determination, High powered money and money multiplier.




Financial Institutions, Markets, Instruments and Financial Innovations



Role of financial markets , concept of Treasury bill market, Commercial bill ,Financial sector Reforms in India, Role of Financial Derivatives , Banking and Non Banking Financial Institutions




unit:3 Stock Market

Analyze Stock Market and its Operations, Stock Market Index, BSE Sensex, NSE Nifty.





Public Revenue


Tax and Non tax revenue, The Ability to Pay Principle and the Benefit Principle of taxation, Incidence of taxation- Neutrality, Efficiency and Equity in taxation, Optimal taxation




Corporate Finance


Main features of India‘s Tax System



Program Outcome:-After completion of the program students are able to understand area of finance, accounting, and investment in stock market. Also they know about the different surceases of tax and non tax revenue.




Public Economics

Co1: Fiscal Function

Need of public sector and stabilization of government co-ordination and conflict of function


CO2:Public Goods

Concept of public goods, efficiency allocation of public goods and public expenditure


CO3: Externalities

Concept of externalities, market failure and assignment of property right.


CO4: Public Revenue

Meaning, importance and distribution  of tax.


CO5:Indian Public Finance

Indian tax system, structure and reforms since 1991


Program Outcome:-   After completion of  this course the student will learn the government policy from the point of view of economic efficiency and equity. They will understand the nature of government intervention and its implications for allocation, distribution and stabilization along with government taxation and expenditure. Besides, they will also learn about the  topics such as public goods, market failures and externalities






Environmental Economics


Basic Concept of Environment and its relation to Economics activities



CO2:Theory of Externalities

Meaning of externalities and market failure in presence of externalities and its solution.



CO3:Environmental Policy and sustainable Development

Economic Policy to solution of environmental degradation and sustainable development.



ICO4:nternational Environmental Problems

Problems of international externalities and global intervention for sustainable development.



CO5:Measuring the benefits of Environmental Improvement

Value of environmental improvement


Program Outcome:- Environmental Economics By the end of this course, the learners will be in a position to understand economic causes of environmental problems. They will understand how economic principles are applied to environmental questions and their management through various economic institutions, economic incentives and other instruments and policies. They will also understand the economic implications of environmental policy as well as valuation of environmental quality, quantification of environmental damages, tools for evaluation of environmental projects such as cost-benefit analysis and environmental impact assessments






The Economy of North East

unit:1Economic Characteristics of North East India



Know about  Mineral, Forest and Water resources, Human resources of NE India, Composition,Distribution density of the population, Migration of population, Urbanisation, Occupational distribution.




unit:2 Agriculture



Analyze Land use, Agricultural holdings and Cropping pattern, Horticulture, Sericulture, Jhum Cultivation, Modernisation and  Sustainable agriculture.






Know about the Problems and prospects of Industrial development of NE region, Role of Tea, Oil and Coal industries, Micro, small and medium industries, Tourism.






Understand Economic Infrastructure and Social Infrastructures of the region ,The Role of North Eastern Council.




unit:5 Developmental issues of the Region


Analyse Poverty and Unemploymentof the region, Problems of Agricultural labourers .




Programe outcome: This paper will give a general outline of the economy of north east India. On completion of this paper, students will be able to know about the resources and infrastructure facility of that region. They also know the potentiality of agriculture and industry sector of N-E India.

Inter Department Seminar
An Inter Department Seminar on " Importance of Historical Monuments in Assam" Organised by Department of Economics
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