Panigaon OPD College Library was started in 1984 along with the establishment of the college. Initially the library consisted of only 25 books and gradually the number of collection as well as the services has a collection of 14,320 copies of text and reference books covering a wide range of subjects. The library also consists of useful journals, magazines and newspapers which are subscribed on a regular basis. The institution has access to 2000+ full- text electronic journals and bibliographic databases under N-LIST programme supported by govt. of India. The college is in the process of acquiring new online research journals to suffice the academic needs of the teachers and students. To increase the reading habits among the users the library committee has introduced the “Best Library User” award which is distributed on the occasion of Librarians Day. All in-house activities in the library including Acquisition, Cataloguing and Circulation are partially computerised using integrated library management software SOUL 3.0. The library also takes feedback regarding the services provided by the library.
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Library Rules
1. Library books can be borrowed only by the registered members.
2. Membership of a student remains valid till he/she remains on the role of the library.
3. Library books will be issued only for 15 days.
4. The librarian may recall any book from member at any time.
5. A fine of Rs. 1 will be charged each day the book is kept beyond the due date of return.
6. Book lost or mutilated shall have to be replaced by the borrower.
7. All books etc. borrowed from the library shall have to be returned to the library before the commencement of the summer vacation.
8. The student card will be tenable for one academic year only.
9. The student will not be entitled to get his/her admit card to any college examination unless he/she obtain a clearance certificate from the librarian.
10. A book of which there is only one copy in the library will not be issued.
11. Maintaining the decorum of the library is a must.
12. Violation of the rules of the library will be punishable.
13. The authority reserves the rights of framing only additional rule as may be necessary from time to time.
How to Access the Library
* If you lost the library card or library book then you must immediately contact the librarian and report the issues.
* First of all, kindly confirm whether the material you need is available in the OPD Central Library by browsing yourself in the stack area or through OPAC. You can then approach the library bearer on duty to locate the material. If you are still not successful in material. If you are still not successful in locating the item, please fill free to approach the librarian for further assistance.
* If you lost the library card or library book then you must immediately contact the librarian and report the issues.
Library at a Glance
1.Name: Central Library, Panigaon OPD College
3.The total area of the library is 3425 square feet. With a provision of separate reading section which has a capacity of more than 100 users. There is also a provision of extension of the library building.
4.Working hours: 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
5.Total number of collection: 14320
6.Journals subscribed: 08
7.Library software used: SOUL 3.0
8.Total number of special collection:
Ambedkar Studies
Career & Counselling Books
Human Rights
APJ Abdul Kalam
Thesis 8. Total number of book volumes: 25
9. Total number of periodicals subscribed: 08
10.Newspaper subscribed: 03
Open Access Resources

National Science Digital Library

Wiki Books

E-thesis portal

IPL Library

The WWW Virtual Library

Bentham Science

Public Library of Science

Directory of Open Access Books

Open Access Journals Search Engine (OAJSE)

Springer Open Journals

Open Library

Open Access Theses and Dissertations

Encyclopedia of Life

NISCAIR Online Periodicals Repository

National Academy Press


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Education Resources Information Centers (ERIC)

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VERSITA Open Access Journals

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The Encyclopedia of Earth

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Encyclopedia of Finance

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World Scientific Journals

Open Access Research Database

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Digital Library of India

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