1. Title:
Eco-friendly, Green and Clean
2. Objectives:
a. To promote awareness on
environmental issues, protection of the nature and natural resources among
students and the general public.
b. To promote awareness among students
about the need to reduce the usages of non-biodegradable products from their
everyday life.
c. To assist students in knowing their
obligations for conservation of environment.
d. To educate the students about
eco-friendly way of life.
3. The Context:
The College has adopted
Eco-friendly, Green and Clean Campus as a best practice based on Brundtland
report of 1987 titled Our Common Future.
In order to instill the very concept that we must aim for development that
meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
generations to meet their own needs; the college has tried to focus on
development with least effects on the environment. In order to reflect students
on the present-day craze for run for development by hampering nature, the
College has been trying to include eco-friendly initiatives like recycling,
upcycling through DIY from waste materials, banning of single use plastics in
the College campus, using of organic fertilizers, re-thinking on
entrepreneurship by focusing on developing eco-friendly goods and services etc.
The earth is the permanent space of residence for every living species whose
existence is temporal. Hence, we as humans during our temporary existence, must
preserve the earth and natural renewable and non-renewable resources for our
future generations too. Students, through this best practice, are taught that
by being responsible in adopting eco-friendly lifestyles and in taking
developmental plans will help in keeping the environment green and clean.
4. The
The institution is devoted to
managing its campus in compliance with sustainable environmental responsibility
and the following areas are used to show these responsibilities:
Green and Clean Campus: A gardener and appropriate number of
supporting staff are assigned to keep the campus clean and litter-free.
Students are strictly instructed to keep the campus clean. In the campus, there
are several quotes about the significance of maintaining a clean and green
Waste Management: Dustbins are supplied to all
Departments and classrooms for the disposal of dry waste. Waste is disposed off
from the dustbins in specific areas, keeping the campus clean and eco-friendly.
In the College campus, a vermicompost unit has been set-up with the goal to
reduce trash, produce organic manure, and to demonstrate the benefits of
composting and organic farming.
of water: To
reduce water wastages, an effective and sanitary water storage system is
adopted. Water leakage problems, leaky taps and showers etc. are repaired at
the earliest on notice. The college has constructed a rainwater harvesting
storage tank at the Girls’ Hostel to collect and store rainwater for all kinds
of use except drinking.
Operating Procedure (DOP): Digitalization is the process of converting documents and
other materials into digital form. The College administration always believes
that DOP can save money, increase productivity, reduce space, facilitate
e-recording, secure personal information in cloud-based storage and enhance
environmental protection. To a great extent, institutional data is stored
digitally. Class-wise, Department-wise and Committee-wise groups in WhatsApp
facilitates e-communication and lowers the consumption of paper otherwise used
in notifications and circulars.
Use of Energy:
The College has installed solar lights in strategic locations with security
concerns where consumption of energy is maximum. LED lights are used in the
classrooms and in other locations of the campus. When not in use, lights, fans,
computers and all other electronic gadgets are switched off.
Trees and
plants landscaping: The College celebrates World Environment Day on 5th June
every year. Students availing free admission are to plant a sapling and take
proper care of it with records of growth. The College fraternity has adopted
various plantation drives during the last five years under various initiatives
of NSS and other Cells and Wings of the College within and outside the College
Awareness through
Practical Initiative: The College has banned single used plastics within the
College campus. Programmes such as DIY from Waste Materials by the Political
Science and Philosophy Departments, Exhibition cum Sale of organic products and
eco-friendly handicrafts etc are organized in the College to make students to
reuse and think of alternatives to plastic or other materials that are
considered harmful to the environment.
automotive use: Most
of the students use cycles and public transport as modes of communication to
college. Moreover, the staff too emphasizes on reducing use of personal
vehicles hence use of public transport and car-pooling has been an accepted
Bill-Boards within the Campus: The College authorities have displayed bill-boards for
creating awareness among students and staff on eco-friendly practices and the
importance of preserving nature.
5. Evidence of Success:
The outcomes of this practice have
been found to be extremely satisfying. It is explained as follows:
a. The College authorities have
installed bamboo dustbins all across the campus to keep the environment clean.
There are personnels appointed and instructed to keep the campus clean.
b. The college has a proper drainage
facility to drain out the excess waste water so that water does not get
stagnant which may otherwise cause hazardous health problems.
c. The Girls’ Hostel has been using the rain
water harvested in the campus for multi-purpose use other than drinking.
d. A vermicompost unit is there in the
campus from where the College gets the organic manure for the plants. Students
are engaged to learn this method of vermicomposting as a part of their skill
e. Another composting unit of natural
waste like dry leaves, grass, peels of fruits and vegetables is installed and
the manure from this unit too is used for plants and saplings.
f. The Digital Operating Procedure implemented in
the college has been effective. It has minimized the need of paper, resulting
in less trash.
g. The college's solar lights and
minimized use of energy is also functioning effectively. It reduces the
college's energy consumption.
h. The planting of trees and flowers in
the college campus has transformed it into a beautiful landscape. Files are
uploaded to show the environment.
Restricting automobile use in the college has resulted in a
noise-free teaching-learning environment. It has also performed admirably.
As single used plastics in the College campus is banned and
students and staffs are encouraged to reduce the use of plastic, earthen filters
are used to store water with glasses so that students are not mentally forced
to buy expensive bottles.
k. The College to grow flowers and
plants use earthen tubs.
6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
following problems were encountered while implementing the Eco-Friendly, Green
and Clean Campus as -
- Eco-friendly
products like dust-bins made out of bamboo, earthen tubs etc are non-long
- Eco-friendly products are
expensive in comparison to easily available cheap plastic products.
and Meditation
2. Objectives:
a. Development of mental health and
wellbeing of the students for the creation of a healthy society.
b. To spread/disseminate spiritual
values and promote the rich cultural heritage and diversity of the country.
c. All round development of student
personality to enable them to participate in the nation building process.
d. To promote democratic values and
spirit of brotherhood among the students.
The Context:
a sound mind can lead to sound development of a person. In other words, mental
peace is an essential component for the all-round development of our
personality. Practicing yoga and meditation helps in the enhancement of our
mental health.
The Government of India has laid extensive importance on mental health.
As such, to highlight the benefits of yoga on our body and mind, every year 21st
June has been celebrated as International Yoga Day since 2015. This initiative
has been acclaimed globally and a number of countries have encouraged its
citizens to practice yoga. The United Nations General Assembly has given
international recognition to the practice of yoga. Yoga has even contributed to
our spiritual tourism sector too.
year International Yoga Day is celebrated with huge fan fare across the
country. Educational institutions of the country play a vital role in making
the entire program a grand success. The Practice of yoga and meditation is
intricately related to the overall development of the human personality is
body, mind and spirit. As such it is a matter of concern to include courses on
yoga and meditation in the regular curriculum of our education system.
Yoga and meditation also contribute to the
inculcation of moral values, mental hygiene and emotional stability amongst the
students. Yoga education enhances all the other activities of the students. It
additionally leads to improved attention. The practice of yoga and meditation
thus, improves mental faculties, positive health, inculcate higher values,
provide peace and tranquility and build up moral character that can lead us to
attain highest goal of life as well as education.
Similarly, meditation also contributes to the
increase in IQ level of students, reduces stress and anxiety, boosting
self-confidence, increases efficiency of brain functioning, keeps away from
diseases and maintaining an overall happy life. In Indian culture, meditation
helps people in developing inner calm and tranquility. Meditation is also
considered as a potent source of human and spiritual development technique
since the days of ancient Indian education system. The practice of meditation
helps in achieving equilibrium and mental peace. Additionally, meditation also
influences physical metabolism. The body settles into profound relaxation
during meditation.
Panigaon OPD College has been successfully organizing International Yoga Day
since 2015. It is organized under the banner of the NSS Unit of the college
with the active participation of the college authorities, faculty members and
students. Additionally, people of the local area, Self Help Groups and NGOs
also actively participate in this initiative.
Evidence of Success:
A Yoga Centre has been set up in the college in 2021.
JoylakhiPayeng a student of the Department of History has
won numerous awards in the field of yoga. Among these, National and
International awards, State Government awards, Gold Medal in Inter college yoga
competition 2022 etc are worth mentioning (His achievements also include
records such as Most People Doing Cobra Pose Together, GISA etc.). He has
successfully participated in numerous Yoga programmes such as in Lakhimpur
Medical College Hospital as Resource Person. Additionally, he performed yoga in
the All Assam College Teachers’ Association programme held in North Lakhimpur
College in 2022.
All the GaonPanchayats under Telahi Block participated in
2022 Yoga Day.
Every day the first five minutes of every class is dedicated
to the practice of meditation so as to make the students more attentive in the
This year the NSS Unit and the Department of History in
collaboration with the SaptarshiNrityalaya has organized a One Day Workshop on
Yoga in Lechaigaon locality on 19 03/23.
A workshop on Yoga and Meditation was organized by the
Philosophy Department on October 22,2022. Students were taught various Yoga
postures by JoylakhiPayeng for backache relief, concentration and other health
related problems.
Currently, yoga is practiced on a regular basis on the
fourth Saturday of every month.
There is a Psychological Counseling Cell in the college to
address the psychological issues of the students.
A two days long stress management program was organized at
the college under the collaboration of Psychological Counseling Cell and the
Legal Literacy Club under MrsPinjuMaral and Dr. BD Nisha as coordinators
respectively. Dedicated workers of Prajapita Brahma
KumarisIswariyaViswaVidyalaya, North Lakhimpur Branch BK Nurbi, BK Lily and
SwapnaKhataniyar attended the programme as Resource Persons.
All three Resource Persons highlighted meditation and its
types in details, its history as well as the process of practicing meditation
as a means for stress management. Active participation of students made the
programme a successful one.
Another programme was organised by the IQAC under the title
'Spirituality and Education' on October 1,2022. RukmaGohainBoruah, Chairman of
Assam Higher Secondary Education Council mesmerized the audience thorough his
Problems Encountered and Resources Required
Following problems are being faced
in practicing Yoga and Meditation in the college premise.
During the COVID
period, Yoga Day could not be organized.
A permanent Yoga instructor is required for the practice of
yoga properly.
Panigaon OPD college is a rural
institution situated at an area primarily inhabited by communities belonging to
scheduled tribes and scheduled castes. Many of our students come from flood
affected areas and belong to the socio-economically marginalized sections of
the society. Being situated at such a location, one of the objectives of our
institution is to work towards upliftment of students from underprivileged and
marginalized communities through various means along with imparting knowledge
and skills. Our college aspires to become an institution for inclusive
The following measures have been taken
to achieve this goal:
Economic Measures:
have a long history of providing economic assistance to underprivileged and
meritorious students for admission and on other occasions. The college provides
free admission to students from Below Poverty Line (B.P.L.) categories as per
the state government’s policy regarding fee waiver. Apart from that, the
college provides financial assistance to students from time to time to fill up
examination forms, to purchase necessary books and on medical grounds. Many of
our employees provide financial assistance to students individually. Our
college have a well-equipped weaving centre for students to provide a mean to
earn. OPD College has organized a two days workshop on cutting and stitching
and an entrepreneurship developmentprogram to encourage and empower students
for self-employment. Recently, our college has organized an exhibition cum sale
on the occasion of World Environment Day, 2023 to promote entrepreneurial
mindsets among the students. We aspire to organize it annually from this year
to create awareness amongst students regarding sustainable development and
Socio-Cultural Measures:
district can be considered as a melting pot of cultures as it is inhabited by
people belonging to various ethnic groups. The location of our college also
reflects the same. As an institution of higher education, we are responsible to
make an environment of harmony and co-existence in the campus. Our college
celebrates this diversity of cultures in different ways. Our college celebrates
International Mother Language Day to mark linguistic diversity and pride. Our
annual college week includes various cultural events and competitions of
different communities. We have ramps for physically handicapped students. More
than 70% of our students belong to Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes. Our
college has also arranged relief camps in flood affected areas. Department of
Economics and Department of Education have conducted socio-economic surveys to
have a better understanding of the local communities.
Socio-Cultural Measures:
The college has a Women Cell and Internal Complaints Committee to address various issues related to gender equity and equality. The college observes International Women’s Day and National Girl Child’s Day annually. The college ensures representation and participation irrespective of gender identity in the decision-making process. The Teachers’ Unit ensure that one out of two of their representatives to Governing Body is a female faculty member. The College conducts Students' Union election every year where students can submit nomination, contest, get elected if they meet the given criterionirrespective of gender. Special talks, workshops etc. are organized from time to time to sensitize on gender issues and to aware the students, staff members and nearby communities.
as we have mentioned above, we as an institution of higher education thrive to
accomplish our goal to achieve inclusive development for our college