Electoral Literacy Club

Eletoral Literacy Club

Participated in the quiz competition organised by on 22/01/21 participants-Prasanta, Biraj,Sampriti and Banashree 25/01/21 ELC organised a discussion programme on ‘importance of the VotersDay’ on the occasion of National Voters Day. Dr. Robin Saikia, HoD, Department of Political Science was the Resource Person who enlightened the audience through his lecture. 15/02/21 As per the instruction of the Deputy Commissioner , Lakhimpur the ELC of the collegeorganisedan awareness campaign on “Voting Consciousness and Behaviour among the students of the college”. MrBirenGogoi, the than Vice Principal of the college and MR Gopal Krishna Bora, the than Associate Professor of Political Science were the resource persons of the programme.15/11/21 An awareness programme on SVEEP for Enrollment in Electoral Roll Process was successfully organised by the ELC as per the instruction of the Lakhimpur District Administration. So as to motivate the eligible students to enroll their names in the electoral roll. Psychological Counselling Cell PSC came into existence in January 2015.It undertakes various measures for the personality development of the students. This is the agency entrusted with the responsibility ofensuringa ragging free college premise. To develop a positive attitude among the students taking into consideration their problems as well as to understand the individual differences among them.





Email id: bijoylakshmidas500@gmail.com   Contact no : 8876518498


Electoral Literacy Club has been playing a very significant role in the field of Electoral process. In any country across the world whether democratic or autocratic election form an integral part of the lives of its citizen. In Democracies election are important because government are voted in and out of power through elections.

An Election stands for the will of the people of a country and the only way through which they can express their desires. It is the only way they can favour people who can change their lives. As such the great political thinker Abraham Lincoln comments Democracy is a Government of the people, by the people and for the people.

With a view to achieved the goal of the people of this sub-continent of India. The constitution of India has vested the Election Commission of India to superintendence, direction and control of the entire process for conduct of elections and formation of various organs and institution to encourage the general people to participate in the vote in the electoral process.

An Electoral Literacy Club is a platform to engage school students, college students and people in villages through interesting activities and hands or experience to sensitize with their electoral rights. It is constituted at the behest of Election Commission of India in all the educational institution with a motive to aware and ensured the participation of Youth and future voters who are pillars of Indian Democracy.
At Electoral Literacy Clubs learning meets fun Activities and games are designed and motivate students provoking them to think and ask questions. Through ELC, Election Commission of India, aims at strengthening and culture of Electoral participation among young and future voters.
There are four types of ELCs. They are as follows:
1.     School level ELCs: School level ELCs have been established or future voters—Students from Class 9 to12th (14 –17 years old) become member of ELC.
2.     College level ELCs: College level ELCs – have been established for new voters who are aged between 18-22 years.
3.     Chunav Pathshala : Chunav Pathshala have been established at polling station level. Polling station wise and BLOs are making in charge of Chunav-Pathshala to educate the non-School gone people.
4.     Voters Awareness Forum: Concept of Voters Awareness Forum have been developed to speed voter awareness amongst employees of Govt/Private Department/Organization.
Electoral Literacy Club aims at strengthening the culture of electoral participation among young and future voters.
          The main objective of ELC is to promote awareness of Right to Vote among students, Faculty members and community at large.
To enable critical thinking on issues related to election rights, Democracies and its process.
          ELC works to educate the future voters about enrollment and other electoral process like EVM / WPAT (VVPAT – Voter verifiable paper Audit trial)
To develop a culture of Electoral participation and maximize the ethical voting and follow the principle every vote counts and  no Voters to be left behind.
Duties of Members of ELCs are as follows:
1.     Know your Assembly Constituency.
2.     Know your Voter centre.
3.     Know your Booth level centre.
4.     Know your Booth level officer.
5.     Know the status of your Application for enrollment.
6.     Check your name in voter list.
7.     Submit Application online
8.     Voters Day organize on 25th January National Voters Day.
National Voter’s day celebrated on 25th January to encourage the youth to participate in the vote in the Electoral process. It is not only encourages the youth to participate in the electoral process but also focuses on the fact that the right to note is a basic right. Besides these the main objective behind the celebration is to encourage, facilitate and maximize enrollment especially for new voters. The day has been celebrating since 2011 across the Country to mark the foundation of the Election Commission of India i e. 25th January 1950.
Role of District Election Officer (DEO) and Electoral Roll Officer (ERO) are crucial in establishment of ELCs and VATs. In the ELCs member will be part of interesting and thought provoking, mostly classroom based activities and games. There are around 25 such activities and 6 games which have been carefully designed. Impart specific learning which will become an Empowered (perspective voter)
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